Monday, November 5, 2012

I Am Spent.

I gave up. After two years of the Obama administration, I gave up. I couldn't keep pace with the lies, stumbles, incompetence and general tone-deaf nature of these folks. The pace with which  the hypocrisy and malfeasance of the media became apparent - and generally unchallenged was unnerving. I couldn't wrap my brain around a post without two new events popping up screaming for my attention.

And I did what they probably wanted all of us to do. I gave up.

I made do with the immediacy of Facebook and Twitter. Shorter bursts of opinion satiated my need to express myself, but it's so difficult to flesh out concepts that require detailed essays in such a medium. And it drives one's apolitical Facebook friends crazy. I know it does. And for that, I am sorry.

But on the eve of this election, it is time to speak out - in detail - again.

It is grossly unfortunate for our collective history that Mr. Obama has squandered the equity he had in his back pocket on Inauguration Day. He could have been a uniter, a post-modern, post-racial, post-partisan President. Ultimately, he chose to line the pockets of unions and contributors instead of actually working to create - not jobs (that's not his job) - but an environment friendly to job creation (that IS his job).

The uncertainty with which he burdened small business, big business, medium sized business, ALL business in regard to tax policy, regulation and Obamacare cratered job creation. How can you ask Mr. Bidnessman to take risks with his capital when he doesn't know what the rules are going to be for said capital down the road?

Ask the GM bond holders about this administration's willingness to respect private contracts. The patently unconstitutional dismissal of those contracts reveals a mindset that has been repeated time and time again.

Obama chose to spend his equity on an unconstitutional mandate to force the citizenry to purchase health care insurance. That equity would have been completely squandered were it not for Chief Justice Robert's need to have the Supreme Court to be seen as a caring and progressive institution. (The fact that Obamacare was thus, technically a tax bill, but did not originate in the House is yet another technical bit of unconstitutionality.)

Obama's energy policy is either naive or intentionally damaging to the U.S. economy. Much has been made of Obama saying energy costs 'would necessarily skyrocket.' He shut down drilling in the Gulf and unconstitutionally ignored the federal court's ruling to resume drilling. He seems to think that Green Energy ideas that are still in their infancy can replace and transform the engine that drives our economy. Gasoline, corn, beef, fruit - you name it, prices of everything that requires a gallon of gas or diesel to move across the country (i.e., everything) has gone up and a helluva lot faster than we're used to.

Layer upon layer of regulations and permits have caused the abandonment of plans to build a refinery in South Dakota. The coal industry has been attacked by this administration. Thousands of coal jobs are gone. Apparently coal jobs aren't nearly as important as car jobs.

All that stimulus money spent, yet so much of it went to green guys who just happened to be Obama donators and apparently were in the game only long enough to get said stimulus money.

He's had four years, yet still complains that our energy infrastructure is substandard. It's a shame he wasn't in charge and could have directed some funds in that direction.

Do you see how overwhelming opposition to this man and his policy is?

He has articulated no plan for the next four years. His only debate points at this juncture seem to involve Big Bird and a war on Women that has been created out of whole cloth.

Obama does not believe in American exceptionalism. He said as much. "I'm sure Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism too." That's not the attitude Americans expect from our leaders. But Obama didn't spend his formative years here. It's hard to understand the wonder that the very existence of these United States are when you grow up in Indonesia.

On the social side, it comes down to one thing for me. We are stealing from our grandchildren at a rate unseen in human history. We need to stop asking people to pay their fair share and start demanding our government live with it's fair share.

Just writing this piece has exhausted me all over again. My objections to this administration are so many, so varied and so deeply felt that they are hard to organize on paper. I have not been nearly as literate as this missive requires, I am spent. Hopefully the voting populace feels the same way.

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